An End and A Beginning

An End and A Beginning (2017-2018)
pink spray paint, stencils

“… consider the work of art both as an end and a beginning. It is the outcome of an often unexpressed philosophy, its illustration and its consummation.”
– Albert Camus, Absurd Creation

An End and A Beginning was a performative installation created to activate the longest continuous set of stairs at Vancouver Island University (Nanaimo Campus). One sequential number was applied per tread, starting with the stairs by Building 193 (Students’ Union/Students’ Union Pub) and ending by Building 380 (Fisheries & Aquaculture). The numbers were applied on the right side of each staircase, and the stair closest to the bottom is the first in the series to mark the process of ascension.

It took 40 hours over 6 days, spanning the course of 3 months (December 2017-February 2018), to apply numbers to all 403 stairs.

Start Date:  Monday, December 11, 2017

Continued on:  Tuesday, December 12, 2017 

Continued on:  Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Continued on:  Thursday, December 14, 2017

Continued on: Friday, February 9, 2018

Completed on:  Saturday, February 10, 2018